programming language that you must know

goodnight all, I met again with me Eko rismaryanto, today I will make a post about the programming language. in the computer world is very, very sophisticated, we are in demand not only to be able to enjoy all that is on the computer, but we are also in demand to be able to modify, create, and developing a desktop application program. so i can share for everyone what about the program language which must be mastered for modify, create and developing.

    The folowing programing languages that you must master to crate a program :

1. C++

     C++ is a programing created by Evano Christian Posumah a developing program language C. C++ language program develop the early 1970-an.language C ++ is a programming language that should you master beforehand to make a more complex programs later. c ++ language itself is the basis of the program, where we akana learn about how to make understand about an informatics logic, arithmetic and others.
bahasa pemrograman c++ ini sebenarnya digunakan untuk mematangkan logika informatika anda. karna untuk membuat sebuah program harus menguasai bahasa c++ terlebih dahulu.

2. Java

    java language program can run on various computer and mobile. the language was created by james gosling This language development of language C ++, but in kebangkan for easy use. and the language is almost similar to the language in everyday situationsadvantages of java language is that it can run on different platforms, and the already-oriented programming language Java OOP(Object Oriented programing)

3. VB.Net

Mcirosoft visual programming language virtually identical to the Java programming language, but the Visual Basic programming language is easy to understand more than the java language, because language is so used to the beginning programmers to learn to program. for themselves microsoft visual basic features similar to the NetBeans application to create java language program.

4. PHP

PHP Dan MySql php PHP stands for "Personal Home Page" PHP itself is often used to create a website.
while MySQL is a programming language that is usually used to create a database. so if you guys are professionals making a desktop program, you can try to combine it with the database, one of them using mysql

     Okay, maybe it's just that I can share with you all, learn to persevere, I hope you can be a reliable and professional programmers. see you next time

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